A nightmare

Times are difficult but please know you are not alone in this. We have all lost a lot and though it might not come back. We can mourn our losses and yet stand strong together again to fight and win this battle. A little poem that I wrote last year in October, mourning the loses.

A nightmare

I wish it was a dream, 

a nightmare.

But it is real, 

pain & hurt is everywhere.

Memories visit me, 

With tears.

I hear your voice & it,

quickly disappears.

You never promised,

a forever.

And I didn't know,

without you it would be an endeavour.

Now I don't know,

What to do.

I certainly can't start 

this anew.

Please don't forget to check up on your friends and family, near and dear ones. Make sure they know they are not alone. Also if you want someone to talk to drop me a message here in the comment section or hit me up on IG: rewa.writes https://www.instagram.com/rewa.writes/?igshid=od5xtsghnxz5


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